The ramblings of Canuck living in a Yankee world

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

The Wonder of School

Being an educator(I guess that is what they call us now-a-days) I have dealt with the education system all my life(basically) and I have seen the different levels of education that is provided to people. Why is it that all the different states and countries have different systems for educating their children? Why for instance does California(which has some of the lowest scores in the country) have a complete and total different curriculum than Maine(which has quite high scores) Or better yet, why did I use the same text books in high school(in Canada) that I did it college(in United States)? Looking at education is kind of depressing because it really isn't anywhere near what it should be.


Blogger Jimmie said...

Craig, you better stop implying that US colleges are the same as Canada's high schools or else I will call INS and have you deported back to the frozen tundra you call your homeland.

10:08 PM

Blogger Craig said...

lol, thanks for the heads up jimmie, but you and i both know what general ed in the US is like. Hey did you see the AD finale? Good stuff

3:57 AM


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