The ramblings of Canuck living in a Yankee world

Monday, May 01, 2006

It's Getting Hot in Here

Well, well, well, the weather is at it again. While living in California I have learned that the weather in California is very temperamental and un-predictable from year to year. Growing up in Abbotsford, B.C. you came to grips with the fact that you got rained on, and then the next day you got rained on again, it wasn't the most pleasant thing but at least you knew what you were up against. This year in California we have had more rain than most people can remember, and now out of the blue comes summer heat. It is crazy, we completely skipped spring,which is the best weather of all, and moved into the dog days of horrible heat. Most of you in Canada are probably reading this and thinking I'm crazy because you would love for some consistent sunshine, but when you get spoiled(like I have been) with nice weather you only want it to continue. But for all the bad things I can say about the heat it does bring some great things with it as well. For one baseball is great to watch on a beautiful day, as long as you have a nice cold drink near by. Speaking of baseball, the Mariners are looking better after a rocky start. Also my friend Jimmie and I went to a minor league game the other night that was quite enjoyable. Well I am glad that the weather has decided to warm up but I just wish it would show us in California a little mercy when it decides how hot it will actually be.


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