The ramblings of Canuck living in a Yankee world

Sunday, July 01, 2007

3 Reasons why summer is great this year.

So i have decided to write my top three reasons why summer will be awesome this year. I know what you're thinking...isn't summer always awesome for a teacher? and the answer is yes. But this summer has the makings of being even better. Also you must be wondering(probably not) why it has taken me so long to write about summer, and the reason is that i am still working summer school so officially summer is not upon me. OK, enough of that, onto my reasons.

1) Cruising......My parents decided to take myself, my wife and my two brothers on a Caribbean cruise this summer. This will be amazing because i have always wanted to try a cruise, but was never willing to spend my own money on it. Also it will be fabulous to see my family for a little over a week as we don't see each other much anymore with the 1000 mile commute it would take to see them. And enough rum in the Caribbean to sink a ship won't hurt either.

2) PS3....i know what you're thinking...."What are you 12?" and i answer..."i wish". Back to the world of no worries or cares. But let us be honest. Video games are not just for kids anymore. All those kids that played video games growing up, still play them today. The main reason i worked summer school was to get my precious PS3 and now it is almost a reality.

3) Baseball......many people thin that baseball is past its prime as we move into the generation where no one has an attention span long enough to watch one at bat, let alone a complete inning. I still love the game and the strategy that goes along with it. And even better this year is the fact that my Seattle Mariners and actually playing like a major league team this year. I know that is hard to believe but they are in contention for both the American League West and the Wild Card at this point. So i will sit back this summer, catch a few games in person and hopefully more on TV and see how the season unfolds.

Well there are my top three reasons for being excited about summer. My obvious disclaimer for those of you who are mad that i did not include spending more time with my wife in that list is this.....I always look forward to that and our love is so strong that i don't need to put that into writing on some silly blog.


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